You are currently viewing High-Level vs Clickfunnels: Which is the Better Option as Sales Funnel?

High-Level vs Clickfunnels: Which is the Better Option as Sales Funnel?

In the world of online marketing and sales, having a high-converting Sales Funnel is very important for success. With numerous tools available for creating an effective Sales Funnel can be difficult to decide which one to use. In this article, we will compare 2 best ranked marketing platform – High-Level and Clickfunnels. Hope it’ll help you to determine which is the best for your business.

Compare Options from Top Ranked Sales Funnels Creator platform, dig into the detail with objective reviews and Choose the right one that fits your need.


All-In-One Sales & Marketing Platform (For Agencies, by an Agency)

Start-up Cost ?


Main Features: 

Building The Agency Engine

  • Capture leads using our landing pages, surveys, forms, calendars, inbound phone system & more!
  • Automatically message leads via voicemail, forced calls, SMS, emails, FB Messenger & more!
  • Use our built in tools to collect payments, schedule appointments, and track analytics!

Capture New Leads

  • Our intuitive platform allows you to create full featured websites with custom menus. Create high-performing and captivating landing pages all in one place!
  • Built right in is the ability to capture leads through Surveys and capture forms. You can integrate directly with our page builder or embed them on your own sites.
  • The major step for many businesses is to capture appointments and request appointments. We’ve built our own calendar application within HighLevel so you can capture the appointment all in one straightforward flow.

Nurture Leads Into Customers

  • Our Multi-channel follow up campaigns allow you to automate engaging follow ups and capture engaged responses from your leads.
  • HighLevel allows you to connect with your leads through Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails, and even Facebook Messenger.
  • Full featured mobile app allows you to communicate with your leads on all devices.

Fully Automated Booking

  • Create text conversations with the goal of placing booked appointments on calendars WITHOUT any human interaction.
  • Use our campaign builder to customize the messaging.
  • HighLevel allows you to leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to manage the conversation.

Create Membership Areas

  • Build Full Courses with unlimited video hosting and unlimited users.
  • With our full Platform you can sell courses or offer courses for free, all in one product!
  • HighLevel offers unlimited users, offers, and products for your courses. You can create courses for your clients or for your own agency!

Close More Deals

  • With our built-in Pipeline Management feature, you can keep track of where the leads are and what stage they are in the sales funnel. 
  • We integrate directly with Stripe so you can collect payments on websites, funnels, and even when someone books an appointment.
  • Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the leads are, and how much money has been generated on each phase.

Click funnels

World class Entrepreneurs like Daymond John, Tai Lopez, Eileen Wilder are verified user of Click funnels. Because Click Funnels Gives You Everything You Need To Succeed Online

Start-up Cost ?


Main Features: 

ClickFunnels “Funnels” Customers To You!
Click funnels is the  original funnel builder and the first ever platform designed to get people from sites like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Instagram or TikTok… and bring them to your store!

ClickFunnels Is Your Website 
Experience insanely fast page loading speeds, which means a whole lot more conversions and sales.
– Fully customizable, drag and drop page builder that anyone can use regardless of computer skills
– Dozens of beautiful page templates ready for you to plug in your content and flip the switch

Smooth and Speedy Checkout
Upload products, images, videos, and descriptions with a simple click of a button.
– Build a high-converting checkout page in minutes without coding or programming.
– Maximize your order value with our customizable 1-click upsells, downsells, and order bumps.

Your Membership Site
​Grow a thriving subscription-based business for a stream of monthly revenue.
– Upload training videos and content in minutes without spending money on outside video software.
– ​Build and strengthen your tribe by unlocking and releasing new content all within the membership area.

Your CRM
Strengthen brand relationship and track your customers’ growth in real-time.
– Trigger automated funnels based on customers’ behavior.
– Get a detailed insight on what your customers actually want.

Your Email Marketing
​- Easily create and send email broadcasts, promotions, or new offers to your audience.
– Build-out and split-test email automations based on customers’ behavior.
– ​Experience premium email deliverability support so your emails land in your customers’ inbox.

Your Analytics
Get clear data on what’s working and what’s not working in your funnels, with instant reporting.
– Track open rates, click-through rates, page conversion rate, average cart value, and more.
– See how your students are progressing through your digital courses

Summary of ClickFunnels vs. GoHighLevel


High Level

Free Trial

14 Days

14 Days

Price Range

Basic – $127 per month
Pro– $157 per month
Funnel Hacker – $208 per month

Starter– $97 per month
Unlimited – $297 per month

Best For

Entrepreneurs who want to building high-converting funnels with well-designed pages.

More focused on Agency. Agencies that manage clients’ websites, funnels, leads, calendars, and other customer services.


World class Entrepreneurs like Daymond John, Tai Lopez, Eileen Wilder are verified user of Click funnels.

Mailgun, HIPAA, twilio, SendGrid

Final Thought

Both ClickFunnels and HighLevel are best rated marketing platforms that incorporate page and funnel builders and invaluable sales tools. They have very similar funnel builders and features. But it’s tricky assessing which one is better.
Despite the similarities and great performance offered by both, the overall approach of each is different. This is because the design of each is for a completely different audience.

You may want to choose ClickFunnels if: you want to build high-converting sales funnels and sell digital and other products online.
You may want to choose HighLevel if: you want to offer agencies leads, customers, CRM capabilities that they can integrate with their marketing campaigns.

Top 25 things You need to consider before choosing Sales funnel platform

Purpose: Determine the purpose of the sales funnel and what you want to achieve through it.

Target audience: Identify your target audience and what their needs and preferences are.

Ease of use: Choose a platform that is easy to navigate and use.

Customization: Look for a platform that allows for customization and flexibility to meet your unique needs.

Integrations: Check if the platform integrates with other tools and platforms you use.

Automation: Consider a platform with automation capabilities to streamline your sales process.

Reporting and analytics: Look for a platform that provides detailed reporting and analytics to track the success of your sales funnel.

Mobile compatibility: Choose a platform that is mobile compatible to reach your audience on the go.

Landing pages: Ensure the platform has a variety of landing pages that are customizable and easy to create.

Opt-in forms: Look for a platform that offers different types of opt-in forms to capture leads.

Lead scoring: Choose a platform that provides lead scoring to prioritize your best leads.

Email marketing: Make sure the platform integrates with an email marketing tool to effectively communicate with your audience.

Sales pages: Ensure the platform has a variety of sales pages that are customizable and easy to create.

Upsell and cross-sell capabilities: Look for a platform that allows for upselling and cross-selling to maximize sales.

Shopping cart integration: Choose a platform that integrates with a shopping cart to simplify the checkout process.

Payment options: Check if the platform supports multiple payment options to cater to your audience’s preferences.

Affiliate management: Look for a platform that has affiliate management features to help you grow your business through referrals.

Customer support: Choose a platform that offers reliable customer support to assist you when you need help.

User-friendly: Ensure the platform is user-friendly to reduce friction and increase conversion rates.