Discover why Millions of Entrepreneurs choose Shopify to Build their Business after extensively researching on all commerce platforms...
Thousands of themes, apps and integrations
On Shopify, you can build a brand that looks and sounds just like you, and an online presence that captures the hearts and attention of your customers through your own fully customizable website. Edit free design themes as much as you’d like, add unique products and copy, and choose from over 8,000 apps to make your online store one-of-a-kind.
Website builder for small business owners to Large Enterprises
Using our no code website builder helps businesses of all sizes. Budget-conscious entrepreneurs can access free SEO tools, stock photos, themes, and other assets. Large enterprises can customize their website with their own unique content in various ways to make their website stand out.
Shopify apps covers the every business needs. for Everything
An Epic variety of apps
With over 8,000 apps for all the different ways you want to customize your store.
Tried, tested, and vetted
Each app goes through a 100-checkpoint review before it hits the Shopify App Store
Merchant-powered algorithms
Get app recommendations based on what’s worked for businesses like yours.
Shopify themes— Exclusively built for Business
Take your store from launch to scale with themes that make selling easy. Explore themes that make it easy for customers to find the right product. Features to look for: enhanced search and filtering, mega menus, breadcrumbs, and collection page navigation. Explore themes that allow you to showcase your products without the clutter of unnecessary features.Â
Sell to Every Buyer, Everywhere in the World
Start Selling Today
Sell online, in person, and around the world with the marketing tools, social integrations, and sales channels you need to get your products in front of customers.
The best-converting checkout on the planet
Back your business with Shop Pay—the one-click checkout that’s built to convert.
Flexible point of sale to power your retail store
A POS system that allows customers to shop their way, from online to checkout line.
Flexible point of sale to power your retail store
A POS system that allows customers to shop their way, from online to checkout line.